About Dr. Chet Weld, LPC
Christian Marriage Counselor and Individual Psychotherapist
Hello! Thanks for taking the time to get to know me! I’m a Christian therapist in Tucson who helps couples and individuals. For example, I help couples find meaning in their struggles while coming through them with increased marital satisfaction—and with less relationship struggles! I help individuals heal from personal problems that often involve hurt or confusion from relationships, family-of-origin damage, and real or perceived failures.
You wouldn’t be reading this if your problems weren’t difficult, and I’ll guide you in the work you’ll need to do—to help me help you. I’m an extrovert but I don’t come on too strong. If you’ve been hurt in past counseling, or if you’re nervous about the first session, I think you’ll be surprised to feel at home in talking to me. I believe that, as someone said, it’s important to “be kind; for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”
My Style
You’ll find my style of counseling to be sensitive and professional. I “go with the flow” but also proceed with intentionality, moving the counseling to where I think it needs to go. I’m always open to what direction you think we need to go! I strive to attribute nobility to all people. Everyone has a personal character quality or gift that I admire.
My Passion
I am passionate about helping people love themselves more the way God does and about helping them make tangible, measurable progress. Working with me will likely result in thinking and feeling more the way you imagine your “best self” to think and feel.
Couples Counseling
My work with couples includes affair situations, communications training, helping them to meet unmet needs, parenting issues, premarital counseling, and a other couples’ issues. I also counsel individuals who suffer from such disorders as anxiety, depression, addictive tendencies, panic, OCD, codependency, mood dysregulation, grieving, spiritual wounding (by church and/or family), and spiritual growth issues (finding meaning in life and relationships). I give a variety of psychological assessments.
Counseling Modalities
I have been trained in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Family Systems Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Solution-Focused Therapy, Narrative Therapy, and other counseling approaches. Sometimes in couples counseling, I use principles of biblically-based Intimacy Therapy (for example, teaching couples to comfort each other) and Integrative Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (teaching how perceptions influence our reactions, plus teaching the importance of accepting each other as imperfect).
Client Populations
I enjoy counseling people from all religious and cultural backgrounds and always abide by the ethical standards of the American Counseling Association (ACA) and the American Association of Christian Counseling (AACC).
Counseling Location
I am accepting new clients at Joshua Tree Counseling, both in-person sessions and telehealth. My office at Joshua Tree is inviting and comfortable, the kind of place where you’ll feel instantly at ease.
Counseling Fees
My standard rate is $150/hr. My reduced rate (for clients who qualify) is $125/hr.
Licensed Professional Counselor AZ LPC-1574
Approved Clinical Supervisor 32799
Board Certified Professional Christian Counselor, International Board of Christian Counselors
Ed.D. in Counseling Psychology from Argosy University
M.Ed. in Counseling and Guidance from the University of Arizona
B.A. from Ohio Wesleyan University
Other universities attended: Union Theological Seminary, N.Y., N.Y.; Chapman University; Ohio University; Ohio State University; and Fuller Theological Seminary; earned a three-year Bible Diploma from Grace Bible College
The American Association of Christian Counselors
Society for Christian Psychologists and Marriage and Family Network
International Board of Christian Counselors
International Cultic Studies Association
Counseling and Values (a publication of the American Counseling Association), The Family Journal, and The Journal of Psychology and Theology. (Journal articles were co-authored by his dissertation chair, Dr. Karen Eriksen.)
Co-authored a chapter in Culturally Alert Counseling, edited by Garrett McAuliffe., still widely used at many universities.
Doctoral dissertation about client expectations of prayer when seeing a Christian-based counselor is available at ResearchGate.com or by contacting Dr. Weld.
Other articles and blogs can be accessed through Google. Search for articles on PreachItTeachIt.org.
Published January 2023! God Is in the Crazy (with astounding miracles and reflections on the peaceful life), Covenant Books. This will be available on Amazon.com and other platforms.

To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.
1 Corinthians 9:22-23 Tweet
Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 5:3 Tweet
On a More Personal Note
My hobbies include reading, especially books on miracles, taking walks, and going to the gym. I’m fascinated by how the natural and supernatural realms ebb and flow in people’s lives. That’s why I wrote God Is in the Crazy which is all about how the natural and supernatural realms intersect in miraculous ways!
My “first love” is songwriting, and you can find seven of my YouTube. I recommend that you start with “Take Me to Your Planet,” “Do You Love Me?”, and “Tell Me Again.” I’ve moved from my love for classic rock to contemporary Christian songs. That move happened when God lifted me out of the pit of drug and alcohol abuse into a life of purpose. Leading worship more times than I can count has brought me great satisfaction.
I’ve been a night watchman, emergency room orderly, hotel clerk, janitor, warehouse worker, and tennis instructor. I live with my wife and soulmate, Susan, in the foothills of the Tortolita Mountains. I love the Arizona sunsets, but I sometimes miss the green grass of the Midwest where I grew up. I relate to owls on a first-name basis (like “Hoot” and “Scoot”), but I have yet to interpret what lonely coyotes howl at the stars.

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